The main spring ball in Germany

18 May 2024 Saturday 18:00
Lahnstein bei Koblenz / Stadthalle Lahnstein
Salhofplatz 1, 56112, Lahnstein

Full description

Spring Ball - the brightest event of this spring
The main spring ball in DELUXE style with the concert agency "A&A Promotion".
Vocal show "DIVA".
The host will be the most energetic and creative presenter of Europe Vladimir Zeus.

Grandiose animation, which will make our holiday bright and memorable.

Show group DOMINO will create for you and your guests a unique atmosphere filled with warm, cheerful emotions, lots of dancing and fun.

Deluxe Catering Service
Deluxe Catering Service chefs have prepared an exclusive variety of dishes that will satisfy even the most refined gourmets. Each dish is an art that will give your evening a unique flavor and pleasure.

Deluxe Catering Service
Deluxe Catering Service chefs have prepared an exclusive variety of dishes that will satisfy even the most refined gourmets. Each dish is an art that will give your evening a unique flavor and pleasure.

Hauptgerichte und Beilagen
Rindersteak (Rasputin) überbacken mit Tomaten und Käse
Hähnchen vom Grill
Asiatische Entenbrust
- Glasnudelsalat mit Hähnchen
- Salat Kawkas
- Kartoffelsalat Olivje
- koreischer Möhrensalat
gefüllte Champignons
rote und grüne Peperoni, gefüllt mit Fetakäse
Weinblätter, gefüllt mit Reis
Sherry-Tomaten mit Mozzarella
eingelegte gegrillte Auberginen und Zucchini
Roastbeef mit Preiselbeeren
Poulardengalantine Gärtnerinnen Art
Poulardengalantine mit Artischocken, schwarzen Oliven und Tomaten
kalt geräucherte Entenbrust

Are you ready to plunge into this whirlwind, joy and fun?
Don't miss the "Main Spring Ball"!